What is Bytebeat?

Bytebeat music (or one-liner music) was invented in September 2011. They're generally a piece of rhythmic and somewhat melodic music with no score, no instruments, and no real oscillators. It's simply a single-line formula (or expression) that defines a waveform as a function of time, processed (usually) 8000 times per second, resulting in an audible waveform with a 256-step resolution from silence (0) to full amplitude (256).

If you put that formula into a program with a loop that increments time variable (t), you can generate the headerless unsigned 8 bit mono 8kHz audio stream on output, like in composers such as SthephanShi's or Greggman's. Since these directly output a waveform, they have great performance in compiled languages and can often be ran on even the weakest embedded devices.

Can I participate?

Absolutely! Just join the Discord server, and fill out the form in the #get-in-competition channel.

So... where do I submit my entry?

The competition takes place in a Discord server. This website is used only for information regarding it.